Sunday, October 10, 2010


 Title: The Falls part1: 10/9/10 11:22am, Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho, F-Stop: f/8.0, Shutter Speed: 1/200, Camera: SONY DSC-H7 Digital Camera. Some edits were made after,I add a water mark and prepped the photo for the blog. This is used below in the panoramic photo.
 Title: The Falls part2: 10/9/10 11:23am, Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho, F-Stop: f/8.0, Shutter Speed: 1/200, Camera: SONY DSC-H7 Digital Camera. Some edits were made after,I add a water mark and prepped the photo for the blog. This is used below in the panoramic photo.

 Title: The Falls part3: 10/9/10 11:23am, Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho, F-Stop: f/8.0, Shutter Speed: 1/200, Camera: SONY DSC-H7 Digital Camera. Some edits were made after,I add a water mark and prepped the photo for the blog. This is used below in the panoramic photo.

 Title: The Falls part4: 10/9/10 11:23am, Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho, F-Stop: f/8.0, Shutter Speed: 1/200, Camera: SONY DSC-H7 Digital Camera. Some edits were made after,I add a water mark and prepped the photo for the blog. This is used below in the panoramic photo.

Title: The Falls: 10/9/10 11:22am, Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho, F-Stop: f/8.0, Shutter Speed: 1/200, Camera: SONY DSC-H7 Digital Camera. Some edits were made after, I used the images above to merge them in photo shop to crate a panoramic view.  I also used adjustment levels to fix the blown out sky. The sun was in a really bad spot for this photo it was on the right hand side right above the birds.

Title: Gooses in a Row: 10/9/10 11:27am, Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho, F-Stop: f/8.0, Shutter Speed: 1/100, Camera: SONY DSC-H7 Digital Camera. Some edits were made after, I used the six images below to merge them in photo shop to crate a panoramic view.  I also used auto adjustment levels of the photo. 

 Title: Gooses in a Row part1: 10/9/10 11:27am, Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho, F-Stop: f/8.0, Shutter Speed: 1/200, Camera: SONY DSC-H7 Digital Camera. Some edits were made after,I add a water mark and prepped the photo for the blog. This is used above in the panoramic photo.

Title: Gooses in a Row part2: 10/9/10 11:27am, Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho, F-Stop: f/8.0, Shutter Speed: 1/200, Camera: SONY DSC-H7 Digital Camera. Some edits were made after,I add a water mark and prepped the photo for the blog. This is used above in the panoramic photo.

Title: Gooses in a Row part3: 10/9/10 11:27am, Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho, F-Stop: f/8.0, Shutter Speed: 1/200, Camera: SONY DSC-H7 Digital Camera. Some edits were made after,I add a water mark and prepped the photo for the blog. This is used above in the panoramic photo.

Title: Gooses in a Row part4: 10/9/10 11:27am, Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho, F-Stop: f/8.0, Shutter Speed: 1/200, Camera: SONY DSC-H7 Digital Camera. Some edits were made after,I add a water mark and prepped the photo for the blog. This is used above in the panoramic photo.

Title: Gooses in a Row part5: 10/9/10 11:27am, Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho, F-Stop: f/8.0, Shutter Speed: 1/200, Camera: SONY DSC-H7 Digital Camera. Some edits were made after,I add a water mark and prepped the photo for the blog. This is used above in the panoramic photo.

Title: Gooses in a Row part6: 10/9/10 11:27am, Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho, F-Stop: f/8.0, Shutter Speed: 1/200, Camera: SONY DSC-H7 Digital Camera. Some edits were made after,I add a water mark and prepped the photo for the blog. This is used above in the panoramic photo.

Title: The Duns: 10/9/10 11:22am, Location: Saint Anthony Sand Dunes, F-Stop: f/8.0, Shutter Speed: 1/200, Camera: SONY DSC-H7 Digital Camera. Some edits were made after, I used the images Below to merge them in photo shop to crate a panoramic view.  I also used adjustment levels to fix the blown out sky.
Title: The Duns part1: 10/9/10 11:22am, Location: Saint Anthony Sand Dunes, F-Stop: f/8.0, Shutter Speed: 1/200, Camera: SONY DSC-H7 Digital Camera. Some edits were made after, i add a water mark and prepped the photo for the blog this was used in the panoramic photo above.

Title: The Duns part2: 10/9/10 11:22am, Location: Saint Anthony Sand Dunes, F-Stop: f/8.0, Shutter Speed: 1/200, Camera: SONY DSC-H7 Digital Camera. Some edits were made after, i add a water mark and prepped the photo for the blog this was used in the panoramic photo above.

Title: The Duns part3: 10/9/10 11:22am, Location: Saint Anthony Sand Dunes, F-Stop: f/8.0, Shutter Speed: 1/200, Camera: SONY DSC-H7 Digital Camera. Some edits were made after, i add a water mark and prepped the photo for the blog this was used in the panoramic photo above.

Title: The Duns part4: 10/9/10 11:22am, Location: Saint Anthony Sand Dunes, F-Stop: f/8.0, Shutter Speed: 1/200, Camera: SONY DSC-H7 Digital Camera. Some edits were made after, i add a water mark and prepped the photo for the blog this was used in the panoramic photo above.

Title: The Duns part5: 10/9/10 11:22am, Location: Saint Anthony Sand Dunes, F-Stop: f/8.0, Shutter Speed: 1/200, Camera: SONY DSC-H7 Digital Camera. Some edits were made after, i add a water mark and prepped the photo for the blog this was used in the panoramic photo above.

Title: The Duns part6: 10/9/10 11:22am, Location: Saint Anthony Sand Dunes, F-Stop: f/8.0, Shutter Speed: 1/200, Camera: SONY DSC-H7 Digital Camera. Some edits were made after, i add a water mark and prepped the photo for the blog this was used in the panoramic photo above.


  1. creative. i love all of the panoramic views you have shown.

  2. I really like the ones with the geese at the edge of the fall! Very creative and a great way to capture wildlife in their natural habitat.

  3. I love the ones with the falls! Great work on all of them!

  4. I like the duck one. It would be cool if it was the same duck and it just moved a lot. :)

  5. Wow, James, I just love your panoramics. They are both such a nice way to show the scenery around the falls in I.F. Great work, as usual!
