Title: Alis in Wonderland Door knob: 9/29/010 10:00am, Location: Dubois Idaho at an abandon building, F-Stop: f/3.5, Shutter Speed: 1/2000, Camera: SONY DSC-H7 Digital Camera. Some edits were made after, I used Camera Raw 6.2 to dark up the shadow, to lighten up the door knob and i add a bit of clarity and vibranc to the picture, i also add my water mark at the bottom of the photo. I love this photo a lot because it reminds me of the talking door in Alis in Wonderland. |
LOL, that door knob does look like the one from Alice in Wonderland. Great job editing it.
ReplyDeleteJames!!! AMAZING!!! love the door knob!!! really I would buy that! my birthday is coming up hint hint.. LOL :)
ReplyDeleteDoorknob is probably one of, if not the best picture I've seen from everyone's blogs. Great job with that.
ReplyDeleteI love the doorknob. The lighting is amazing! Is that an edit or did you take the photo that way?