Title: Ghost Whisperer: 9/29/010 1:57 pm, Location: Bannack Ghost Town, F-Stop: f/4.5, Shutter Speed: 5.0, Camera: SONY DSC-H7 Digital Camera. Some edits were made after, I used auto levels to help dark the picture and i also add my water mark. This picture was taken in the back of a building where there was little light. I left the shutter open for 6 seconds and then had the subject in the back move after 5 seconds. |
I like your ghost picture. I could barely see the ghost whispering to Loraine though. Your action freeze was great.
ReplyDeletegreat job on the pictures.... the ghost is kind of hard to see, just like a ghost should be. The action picture is cool also, great color in the pictures.
ReplyDeleteAt first I didn't think you had a ghost shot, but once I read your explanation paragraph I saw her. It's really cool. I like that it's harder to see, that's how a ghost should be :) Great job.